(01-13-2016, 04:22 AM)Cranky Old Man Wrote: During the game, it is indicated that WAU itself resurrected me. Why? Probably because I was meant to do a task for it: I was meant to find the ARK and launch it into space.
Well you apparently assumed WAU itself considered that the best chances of humanity were flying over the space instead of just being there on the abyss like on of the scientists proposed in the audio log on which we learn that Catherine was accidentally killed because she didn't accepted that hipothesis.
It happens that i actually agree with the guy on the audio: Catherine was selfish to do what she did. Not that she deserved to die but hey lets be reasonable at least!?
While there is much more space out there, there's no evidence of life anywhere, and the ark would eventually fall into some gravity field which would inevitably lead to its elimination. Maybe, just maybe, it could be floating into space forever but i actually think that Earth could be safer for the ARK than the actual space out there.
Maybe earth would end badly and sooner than the ark would get caught by any gravity fields, who knows?
whatever option you pick, it doesn't change the fact that WAU is not evil by any means. Its a program, an AI. It does what it was made to do even if its creators don't understand how it would do it.
If you killed it or tried to end with it just because you thought that it could be conspiring against you or using you just to do something then well, you could actually become a killer in real life because we are surrounded by people who does this exact same thing everywhere!
I rather prefer to think that you just feared the consequences of wau leading humanity into its own reasonability, into its own purpose, undetectable, unmeasurable, but then again, why is that so different from real life?