Thank you very much for your advices!
I have dared to play for 30min more thanks to keeping your tips in mind. I found the "rush with lantern to the scary place"-method effective and being prepared with escape routes/hiding places makes me feel more secure.
Deleting the monster files would certainly make things easier for me, but by doing that I can't experience the game fully (annoying am I not? :p) which also stops me from alter sound and gamma.
So the rest of the game will probably be played in pretty short segments (30-60min/night max), but I find it incredibly rewarding just by finding a note.
I highly suspect that I'm still just scratching the surface of the game, I think where I am now is certainly nothing compared to later things to come in the story, so I will gladly take more advices (if there are any left to give without spoiling), that I can keep in mind further on.
Once again: Thank you! Your replies made me spurred to continue which made my curiosity win over fear for another 30min