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Worst Level Design in the game- the Choir room
Perogi Offline
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RE: Worst Level Design in the game- the Choir room

When I first encountered The Choir I too instantly disliked it. In retrospect I actually kind of enjoyed it. It is very different from the rest of the levels due to it's massive size. When first entering it I quickly discovered that the only way to keep my bearings was to hug the walls. At first I ventured out forward and became quickly disoriented and lost. This evoked chiefly frustration in me but now I realize it was what made the Choir really scary. If you just wander out into the vast chamber it won't take long for you to completely lose where you are. I spent a lot of time in The Choir just because I kept getting turned around and failed to comprehend it's layout until having traveled around it two or three times.[/i]
09-10-2010, 11:46 PM

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RE: Worst Level Design in the game- the Choir room - by Perogi - 09-10-2010, 11:46 PM

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