(04-02-2016, 01:22 PM)IIPEE Wrote: Machine for Pigs was developed by a third-party company (The Chinese Room) and is having different composer (Jessica Curry) than The Dark Descent (Mikko Tarmia) so I don't think it has anything to do with Frictional Games. I have never heard anybody getting any sort of claims on YouTube when it comes to Frictional Games' software and on top of that Frictional Games are neutral about YouTube let's plays, gameplays and whatever else people post about their games. That's why we have this section here.
However, you can dispute the claim one time and they then have to either accept or decline your request. If they decline, the advertisement will come on the video. I had one time a claim on a video of mine and disputed it based on the info YouTube gave me. They declined and the advertisement remained, I didn't take it any further because with more digging I discovered the info was a bit wrong so I couldn't straight found the song. YouTube is no man's land when it comes to individuals. Better be safe than sorry is what I'd say, at least until you get a network behind you... On top of that, the ID system is fully automated so if it thinks it hears something, when it even isn't, it will give you a claim despite it being wrong.
Thank you for your reply, I don't think I'll be disputing my particular claim (I have no need to dispute the claim), I was more concerned that Kontor New Media may be abusing YouTube's Content ID system with copyright claims they do not own. I understand this is developed by the Chinese Room and composed by Jessica Curry so this may be an issue for them, but I just wanted to check if Frictional Games had a license or some other agreement with Kontor New Media (I couldn't seem to find anything through google or these forums). Once again thanks for your reply and insight.