(08-19-2016, 11:31 AM)Spelos Wrote: Sure, FCs work for most people, but some still have troubles. I'd rather play it safe, especially with a deadline.
I have worked with these issues for a while now so I'm pretty sure I've figured out all that is wrong and how to fix it.
For retail you use normal batch files as usual.
For Steam copies, you use a different batch file, which instead calls
start steam://rungameid/57300//your_mod%%2Fconfig%%2Fmain_init.cfg
It's not any worse than that, really, it's just that people are too used to using the retail batch file for Steam. But if the "Start_Steam.bat" file were present next to say "Start_Retail.bat", they'd use that instead.
Of course IFCs are still objectively more advanced than CSs, so point might still stand.