(09-04-2010, 01:05 AM)Thomas Wrote: UPDATES 2010-09-10: All links old, so just having more general info instead
Since we lack much of a PR budget we rely a lot on word of mouth. Sites like digg and reddit are perfect for spreading this.
So if you see a reddit, digg or whatever link on review, blog post, news post, etc, please vote up on it.
If you could take 1 or 2 minutes of your time to register and gives us an up rating we would be very thankful. All votes matter and a rise in say 10 votes can make a HUGE difference! and increase exposure many times!
And while you are at it, tell your friends to vote too!
Thanks in advance!
Aside from those links I visit all your google ads that look interesting. Not just to click and make you a few cents, but to actually visit.
There's all kinds of info there and it often relates to the thread in some way. As an example: I was on the thread that mentions the word 'holocaust' and an ad to go on a Holocaust Tour showed above. I spent about 10 minutes reading all about the tour. How interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if that ad now pops up on this page too.
While reading about models on a thread I saw an ad and went to a site where I downloaded free 3dmax models for my hobby.
So folks don't miss out on some really well targeted ads on each page.