If someone could find some statistics on the number of people that use the internet and have either a credit card or paypal in percent (the closer to the group of 15-40 year old males that buy the game the better) and the percentage of people that buy with steam we would know the reason why it isn't selling that great....
United Kingdom some 62% of all Internet users shop online.
no mention of games tho.
I think in all consideration that it WILL sell - give it time.
When ex-Thief lovers and others in this genre need to discover it.
I'm 70 years old and love the game but nobody 'marketed' to me and I don't shop in malls or computer stores.
I got mine from direct2drive and wouldn't have it any other way. Our planet is sick with pollution and digital downloads can help reduce or at least not add to the mess.
I would have thought that more people would agree to that, but apparently not.