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Whoring my self out to the highest bidder...
Lowbei Offline
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RE: Whoring my self out to the highest bidder...

(10-18-2010, 11:57 PM)mastersmith98 Wrote: Sold to the gentleman with the mohawk.

PM me with some details and I'll tell you what I can do.

I have designed 2 lvls of a custom story, just the details, but have not begun building as i am very busy, im down to collaborate with two or three people and crank out a pro story

it starts out in a house in the woods, a small 2story hotel/inn, after waking up to strange noises and screams, opening the door to your room and seeing something shamble into a room down the hall followed by screams, you quietly sneak past, downstairs and out the front door grabbing a lantern off the table. i have detailed a lot of scripted events btw, but dont wanna spoil the whole story here heh...

anyhoo, outside theres woods and a cliff face, if you try to go down the road you get instakilled by a death event, and thus you must take off thru the woods being chased by stuff, into a cave, that just happens to be HAUNTED OOOOOOOOO scary etc

thats all im gonna say for the start, but i have detailed a lot more, i need a scripter, builder and model/texture artist (due to trees being absolute crap currently, since they are meant to be viewed thru windows at a distance)

if you have interest, post here or message me and i will give you more details
10-19-2010, 12:37 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Whoring my self out to the highest bidder... - by Lowbei - 10-19-2010, 12:37 AM

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