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Unknown Underground (second much better map)
vanjavk Offline

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RE: Unkown Underground (second much better map)

(10-19-2010, 05:59 AM)alfie Wrote: I assume English is not your first language (as can be expected on the forum of non-English games developers) and it is an ok post, but there were a few mistakes in the translation, I have attached below (in the spoiler) a version that makes sense to me.

Spoiler below!

I am making a new map: Unknown Underground. In this pack will be 3 maps.
Daniel (or who ever, I didn't give him a name anyway, it’s not important) was exploring some old dungeons for an unknown reason. He doesn’t remember what he was doing there because when he was in the dungeon rocks collapsed on him. He wakes up and discovers...

THIS IS FIRST PACK AND THERE WILL BE OTHERS. WHY WAS HE EXPLORING IS NOT EXPLAINED. Stay tuned for more. =) I will not add pictures because if you ask me they tell nothing about map, just some edited entities and static objects.

1map-98%-fixing bugs, improving
2map-98%-fixing bugs, improving
3map-75%-fixing bugs, editing map, mostly adding scripts + objects needed for script

.______ .............._ _........................ _
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!!!P_L_ E_A_S_E!!!

Hehe, yeah, you can't give any feedback yet anyway but I’m not going to delete it because I like it.
Release date: As I started this map on (I think) 25.9.2010, I wasn't working on it a week and then these past few days I started furiously finishing it. It will be released (hopefully) this weekend. If something bad happens it will be done by the end of this month.

Download: Are you blind? Look above.

Updates: 12.10.2010, I made a progress on third map. I already made 541 lines and 22010 chars and counting =). And yea just to say Clarence is in the third map =)

Thank you! Yes, It's not my first language. I copy&pasted your's. =)

10-19-2010, 01:00 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unkown Underground (second much better map) - by vanjavk - 10-19-2010, 01:00 PM

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