Here's the function you use to make a player look at a spot
StartPlayerLookAt(ScriptArea, viewacceleration, maxviewvelocity, onlook);
ScriptArea is the name of the area script you place in your map and where the player looks
viewacceleration controls how fast the player looks
maxviewvelocity controls the max speed the player looks
onlook is a function you call when the player's view is centered on the target.
To stop the player from looking at a spot, call StopPlayerLookAt();
So A quick example of how you would make the player look at a spot for a few seconds.
Note: ** just means we don't want a function called.
void TimerDoneLookAt(string &in asTimer)
//When player starts the level, make him look at this spot.
void OnStart()
StartPlayerLookAt("AreaLookAt", 2, 2, **);
//Make the player look for 2.5f seconds
AddTimer("donelook", 2.5f, "TimerDoneLookAt");