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Feedback wanted: Some questions on Ending (spoilerish)
Antares Offline
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RE: Feedback wanted: Some questions on Ending (spoilerish)

(09-10-2010, 07:47 PM)Thomas Wrote: 1) When entering the Orb Room (where Alexander is), what where your feelings toward Daniel (ie yourself), Alexander and Agrippa.
Daniel I had little if no sympathy for. As much as I imagine that it would be horrible to end up chased by some weird reality-warping monster for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I could not excuse his killing of innocents, and his attempts to lay the blame onto Alexander only earned him my contempt.

I didn't hold Alexander in a much better regard, but whereas his actions were just as bad if not worse I could at least somewhat understand his detachment from it all, seeing how he is defintely established as not human.

Agrippa was definitely a mystery to me. I quite liked having him around and speaking to me, but I wonder how much of it is due to the fact that he's the only thing in the game that doesn't try to kill you.
With the information I had at hand, and knowing his involvement with Weyer and Alexander I was wondering if he wasn't going to betray me or use me, but I felt like giving him the benefit of doubt - he could hardly be more deserving of punishment than Daniel or Alexander, anyway.

(09-10-2010, 07:47 PM)Thomas Wrote: 2) What was the ending that you got the first time? Was this a choice?
I got the revenge ending at first. It was a choice. I saw the portal coming up and figured I could save Agrippa by waiting a little longer, but decided not to risk it to prevent Alexander from getting away.

(09-10-2010, 07:47 PM)Thomas Wrote: 3) How did you like the ending?
Honestly, I didn't quite like it. I expected and hoped that the Shadow would kill both of us and erase any trace of Castle Brennenburg and all of the horrors that happened there. It doesn't seem very fitting that Daniel could get off scott free, let alone return to civilized society after all he'd seen and done by simply getting his meaningless revenge - Alexander deserved to die, but killing him would serve no altruistic purpose, he's running off to a completely different dimension!

(09-10-2010, 07:47 PM)Thomas Wrote: 4) Did you get any other endings? If so, which one was your favorite? And what where your motivation for seeing more endings?
I went through the rest of them, if only for completion's sake, and because I really wanted to experience Daniel's Death by Shadow.

Aggripa's ending left me rather confused - is Daniel dead? Stuck in a limbo between dimensions? Saving Agrippa did make me feel like Daniel had made a first step on the road to redemption, though, and it was an interesting departure from my "Daniel is an asshat" viewpoint.

The "bad" ending (which was the last I got) was probably my favorite. I didn't buy Alexander's regrets or thanks for one second - he's no stranger to disposing of people once they've outlived their usefulness - but it feels right and fair that Daniel pay for his crimes. The moment of silence between Alexander's departure and the Shadow's arrival conjured a strange mix of inner peace and resignation which stayed with me for a couple of hours after I had closed down the game.
10-24-2010, 09:47 PM

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RE: Feedback wanted: Some questions on Ending (spoilerish) - by Antares - 10-24-2010, 09:47 PM

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