(10-25-2010, 11:39 PM)Cryaotic Wrote: I decided that, after Amnesia, I want to make my channel into a channel of one man's journey to man'dom. I figure that, the more horror I am exposed to, the more sturdy and hard my testicles shall become!
So, I shall start with a plethora of horror games that I come across; and maybe a few horror movie reaction videos too.
And I do think I'll be giving the Penumbra series a go soon enough! I played Overture for about half an hour, but I just had no manhood to utilize and finish it. I'll give it a proper continuation soon enough!
You know, I have been scared as shit to play Penumbra. Like you, I started Overture, but stopped as soon as the little doggy crashed through the barricaded door to play.
Then, I tried Black Plague. I stopped as soon as the infected guy crashed through the locked door to play.
I never played them again.
Then, I finished Amnesia and could literally feel my manliness becoming harder by accomplishing that. I still couldn't get over myself to start playing Overture or BP again, but you gave me inspiration!
I hope you don't mind, but I shall start a LP of Overture, dedicated to you! So instead of being scared shitless, you can laugh at me being scared shitless. I already got a LP of the Tech Demo on my Channel (DaChekah400 (don't laugh. thanks. xD)), but it's in German. Nevertheless, I got a few good scares in it.
So yeah, I can't wait for you to finish Nightmare House 2, and I'm also looking forward to a potential Penumbra LP.
Now, if you excuse me, I'll go cry a little. Penumbra scares the shit out of me just when I think about it.