If you're on an HTML enabled board I wrote this for a signature for use along with a banner:
Quote:Cross the Penumbra, threshold between worlds; that which protects the fragile light of sanity from the dark, clawing madness of our nightmares. Can you hear its song? Its overture? It sings to you, inviting you... <i>expecting</i> you...
Use it if you like. *shrug*
I wanted to say something about "The first chapter in an immersive horror trilogy" or some such. You know, explain more about what it is. But I think if it's hotlinked to the main page a single click will explain all that.
I guess you can always put "The first chapter..." as the alt tag.
Anyway, the code looks like this:
<a href="http://www.penumbra-overture.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/6275/penumbraovlogovm0.jpg" style="border: none" alt="Cross the Penumbra, threshold between worlds; that which protects the fragile light of sanity from the dark, clawing madness of one's nightmares. Can you hear its song? Its overture? It sings to you, inviting you... expecting you..."></a>
Or if you want to get fancy:
<table border="0" width=435><tr><td align="middle"><a href="http://www.penumbra-overture.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j247/Rowedekhelicon/banners/penumbra_banner.gif" style="border: none" alt="The first chapter in an immersive horror trilogy"></a></td></tr><tr><td align="middle">Cross the Penumbra, threshold between worlds; that which protects the fragile light of sanity from the dark, clawing madness of one's nightmares. Can you hear its song? Its overture? It sings to you, inviting you... <i>expecting</i> you...</td></tr></table>
(text appears below banner, "First chapter..." is alt tag, and everything's all centered, formatted, and pretty-like ^_^)