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Has this happened to you in the prison (funny picture, minor spoiler)Frictionaltrolls
gbee Offline
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RE: Has this happened to you in the prison (funny picture, minor spoiler)Frictionaltrolls

In the prison I used tinderboxes to light up torches like breadcrumbs, especially at junctions, that way when I had to run I'd just follow the lights back to a safe spot.

I've mostly played by using tinder boxes and conserving the lamp oil. I could grope my way around in the dark most of the time, but the light helps with sanity which is less of a hinderance than an irritation*.

*(Not really a horror fan and don't really like being told when I should be scared ... I bought Amnesia because I admired Penumbra and liked the interaction/puzzle solving aspects - shame both were decreased in this game)
11-14-2010, 12:23 PM

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RE: Has this happened to you in the prison (funny picture, minor spoiler)Frictionaltrolls - by gbee - 11-14-2010, 12:23 PM

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