I agree, the game is not very scary at the beginning. I, being a Penumbra vet, am not scared easily. However, I knew it would get great because I trust Frictional.
Advice to the OP would be to pick up Penumbra and play Overture for 30 minutes. It gets scary very quickly and there are shit tons of enemies. On hard you die in one or two hits and you need to be VERY careful. Once you've played that you will know what you're in for in Amnesia, though it never gets as scary as Penumbra.
note: Amnesia is an overall better game, Penumbra is just scarier...
edit: haha you were too scared to play the game!

I get it now. You're trying to cover it up. You could not bring yourself to go by the "stressful creature" again so you quit. also, the save and quit mechanic puts you exactly where you were before, i guess you thought you were past it but werent...ill get a warm bottle of milk for ya and make it all better