(12-23-2010, 10:43 PM)bigfoot Wrote: Hehe (I edited my other post I didn't see your new post hehe)
but ontopic.
Ok so I just put break_wood_metal instead of my old path?,
Ok thats easy hehe and stupid lol.
anyway, I also actually want to know what all the parameters mean.
"PlaySoundAtEntity(string& asSoundName, string& asSoundFile, string& asEntity, float afFadeTime, bool abSaveSound);"
string& asSoundName - What does it do / mean?
string& asSoundFile - What does this do / mean?
string& asEntity - And this?
float afFade.. etc. etc.
string& asSoundName - is just the name of the sound in your custom story honestly you could leave it as just "", if you really wanted to.
string& asSoundFile - the sound file in this case "break_wood_metal" always the .snt file in the sound folders minus the file extension although it may work with the extension
string& asEntity - Where the sound originates for instance if you want it to originate from a door you called for conveniences sake door you'd put "door"
float afFadeTime - this I believe its how long you want the sound to take to fade in I usually just leave it as 0
bool abSaveSound - I guess it saves it I don't honestly know I just always set it to false
In the end you should have a function similar to this
"PlaySoundAtEntity("", "break_wood_metal", "door", 0, false);"