(12-25-2010, 12:35 AM)TenmillionDead Wrote: Ok, I need to know how to change the force for moving doors automatically. I want to make a door slam when the player gets near it. I can do the basic door open, just by copying the code form the "rainy halls" level from the game when the gallery door opens, but I don't know how to change it. Basically, how do I make it slam.
Sorry for the waste of time,
No reason to beat yourself up or put yourself down.

I was new myself here a few weeks ago, and while I refrained from asking questions simply to learn on my own, I finally had to bite the bullet when the code just wasn't speaking my language. Everyone here has been great and understanding.

That being said --
Try that thread. Most of learning the HPL2 code is by trial and error and understanding why things are doing the things they are. You seemed to have had the right idea by checking out the actual code.

Good luck!