(12-29-2010, 12:56 AM)hollowleviathan Wrote: (12-28-2010, 11:50 PM)Spooder Wekd Wrote: Let's just say, that I never could not go on in Amnesia, but sometimes Penumbra just needs to be turned off!
It is much scarier, I prefer it, but Amnesia is overall a better game.
I had the opposite situation. I had to repeatedly stop playing Amnesia due to overwhelming fear, but was 'merely' creeped out and anxious about every corner in Penumbra, and capable of continuing at will.
The takeaway is that they're both quite scary and good games.
Penumbra wasn't really that scary considering you could easily take out dogs with that first hit, and spiders where pretty easy to avoid.
Although... I just started black plague, so...