(01-31-2011, 03:25 AM)Zoridium JackL Wrote: (01-30-2011, 11:55 PM)Sessika Wrote: (01-30-2011, 10:52 PM)Zoridium JackL Wrote: (01-30-2011, 09:16 PM)stevensonbak Wrote: (01-29-2011, 12:43 PM)Zoridium JackL Wrote: so your comparing it to haing arachnophobia or being claustrophobic... your basically saying your a homophobe...
What the hell? No, that doesn't make me a homophobe, when the hell did I say I'm afraid/hold contempt for gay people?
I could have sworn I said I'm uncomfortable around penises, not gay people.
Quit trying to make me out to be a worse person than I am; your attempt at making yourself look open-minded and me close-minded completely failed.
This is the first comment that actually made me regret that annotation...
well, you were the one that compared your feeling with phobias... which makes it a phobia,
Yeeeees...an irrational fear/discomfort of, as they directly said, "male genitalia", not whatever sexual preferances the person may have. How does being uncomfortable around a body part make someone phobic of a sexual preferance? Homophobia is not the fear of wangs. Good sir, you are jumping to conclusions.
i was speaking generally and not particularly seriously, but if you compare it to a phobia than you must be prepared for it to be seen as a phobia, but if you want me to be specific, he has Phallophobia.
Yup, Phallophobia, thank you, good to finally have a word for it, therefore I'm not the homophobe you keep freaking labeling me.
Amnesia has a substantial amount of wangs, I'm unfortunately a phallophobe, I noted my discomfort in my graph, end of discussion.