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Linux Beta Demo and Feedback (1.0.1 Final Out)
timonator Offline

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RE: Linux Beta Demo and Feedback

what is this?
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing nixstaller............................
Collecting info for this system...
Operating system: linux
CPU Arch: x86
C libraries: /lib/libc.so.6
C++ libraries: /usr/sfw/lib/libstdc++.so.*
./startupinstaller.sh: line 154: [: bin/linux/x86/libc.so.6/libstdc++.so.5: binary operator expected
./startupinstaller.sh: line 154: [: bin/linux/x86/libc.so.6/libstdc++.so.5: binary operator expected
Error: Couldn't find any suitable frontend for your system

            LCPPDIR="`getbinlibdir ${LCPP} libstdc++ ${LCDIR}`"
            if [ ! -d ${LCPPDIR} ]; then # <--
            unlzma ${LCPPDIR}/$FR ${LCDIR}
i'm in the process of just doing it all myself, but both installers seem troubled

the installer (fortunately!) told me the command it wasn't able to run (i was, tho) and so i was able to install the game now, quickly started it and it seems to run fine. i'll wait until my system update is through (darn you, gentoo. heh) and then really play it
03-23-2007, 02:49 PM

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