[quote='eiahmon' pid='57713' dateline='1299565252']
Just a bit of humor for everyone. XD *shakes finger* Now be honest.
If anyone has anymore questions feel free to add them.
While playing the game, did you...
... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?
... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?
... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?
Yes: During the storage room section of the game, after being killed by a grunt in the north prison block, and after escaping the morgue within an inch of insanity.
... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?
Only by the waterlurker.
... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?
No?...what's wrong with Agrippa? lol
... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?
Almost..I did, and there was a monster. lol
... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?
Yes, multiple times.
... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?
... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?
Again, almost
... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?
Almost...lol Luckily I saw it in time. (It was in the prison at the end of an adjacent corridor.
... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?
... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?
... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?
Haha, yes
... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?
Yup...kitchen in the prison...
... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time around?
Haven't started my second playthrough yet.
... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?
Not really.
Now, I shall answer my own questions. XD