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Whats scarier penumbra black plague or Overture
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Whats scarier penumbra black plague or Overture

Black Plague was scarier but Overture was better.

Because in Black Plague you have no weapons and the infected are much more scary as the dogs.
There are corpses in Black Plague and the atmosphere was very dirty and dangerous. And the dark corridors are a pure nightmare!

But Overture was better because there was more physical puzzles and hidden solutions you have to find out.
Black Plague only was a corpse game. Overture had more deeper missions like repairing of generators or took a key under the door.

Overture was best Penumbra game I think it was better than Amnesia but the spiders are a little too strong.
03-28-2011, 05:48 PM

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RE: Whats scarier penumbra black plague or Overture - by Googolplex - 03-28-2011, 05:48 PM

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