//--- created by iNs - Copyright © 2011 --- Test.hps v0.3b (beta) ---
//--- Last Update: 11. April 2011 ---
void OnEnter()
//--- PRELOADING ---//
PreloadSound("react_breath1.ogg"); // wake up (Intro)
PreloadSound("react_breath2.ogg"); // wake up (Intro)
PreloadSound("react_breath4.ogg"); // open cabinet: broom
PreloadSound("insanity_whisper01.ogg"); // open cabinet: broom
PreloadSound("unlock_door"); // unlock door / chest
PreloadSound("lock_door"); // secret book succes
PreloadSound("gameplay_tick"); // secret books wrong
PreloadSound("02_puzzle.ogg"); // room 2 painting
// callback function for all keys (Name, KeyName, ObjectName, FunctionName, Destroy_Item?)
AddUseItemCallback("UseExit", "Room1_KeyChest", "Room1_Chest", "UseKey_Chest", true);
AddUseItemCallback("UseExit", "Room2_KeyStorage", "StorageRoom_Door", "UseKey", true);
// Use Item Callback - Cellar Padlock / acid
AddUseItemCallback("UseAcid", "ChemicalContainer", "Cellar_Padlock", "UseAcid", true);
SetLocalVarInt("VarSecretMoves", 0);
SetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode", "");
for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
AddEntityCollideCallback("SecretBook_"+i, "AreaSecretBook_"+i, "CollideSecretBook", false, 0);
//--- STATUS of LIGHTS ---//
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room1_CandleSmall_ON", "CandleSmall_On", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room1_CandleSmall_OFF", "CandleSmall_Off", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room1_CandleBig_ON", "CandleBig_On", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room1_CandleBig_OFF", "CandleBig_Off", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room3_Candles_ON", "Room3Candles_On", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room3_Candles_OFF", "Room3Candles_Off", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "StairHall_Candles_ON", "StairHallCandles_On", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "StairHall_Candles_OFF1", "StairHallCandles_Off", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "StairHall_Candles_OFF2", "StairHallCandles_Off", false, 1);
// ROOM 2 - PAINTING - (delete callback after collide)
AddEntityCollideCallback("Room2_Painting", "AreaPainting", "PuzzleSound", true, 1);
// STORAGE ROOM - STATUE - (delete callback after collide)
AddEntityCollideCallback("StorageRoom_Door", "AreaStatue", "SmashStatue", true, 1);
// ROOM 3 - ON ENTER - (delete callback after collide)
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room3_AreaDoor", "BeginVision", true, 1);
// ROOM 4 - Area next to table - (delete callback after collide)
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Room4_AreaTable", "BreakTables", true, 1);
// HALLWAY - enable grunts - (delete callback after collide)
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "HallM_AreaGrunt", "EnableHallGrunts", true, 1);
//--- ROOM 3 - MOVE ---//
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveL_1", "MoveLeft_1", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveL_2", "MoveLeft_2", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveL_3", "MoveLeft_3", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveR_1", "MoveRight_1", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveR_2", "MoveRight_2", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveR_3", "MoveRight_3", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Stop_1", "StopMove_1", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Stop_2", "StopMove_2", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "Stop_3", "StopMove_3", false, 1);
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "ExitArea", "Credits", false, 1);
//--- CHECKPOINT ---//
CheckPoint ("Room1_Checkpoint", "PlayerStartArea_2", "PlayerDied", "DeathMessage", "Dead");
// dead human body - push down
AddPropImpulse("Room3_Body", 0, 30, 0, "World");
void OnStart()
// no lantern oil and no tinderboxes at start!
// Lock the Chest in Room1
SetLeverStuckState("Room1_Chest", -1, false);
//--- DEBUG --- //
// Lantern
GiveItemFromFile("lantern", "lantern.ent");
// Tinderbox - 10x
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) GiveItemFromFile("tinderbox_"+i, "tinderbox.ent");
// play Intro
//--- INTRO ---
void Intro()
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Begin Intro", false);
// disbale player movement
// black screen
// look at cabinet's left lower corner
StartPlayerLookAt("Room1_LookAt_1", 1, 3, "");
AddTimer("1", 5, "IntroTimer"); // 5 seconds
void IntroTimer(string &in asTimer)
if(asTimer == "1")
// close door
SetSwingDoorClosed("Room1_Door", true, true);
AddTimer("2", 1, "IntroTimer"); // 1 second
else if(asTimer == "2")
// set player crouching
// play 'breathing sound' as 'wake up noise'
PlayGuiSound("react_breath1.ogg", 0.5f);
// blur
FadeRadialBlurTo(0.10, 2);
FadeRadialBlurTo(0.10, 2);
// normal screen
FadeImageTrailTo(1, 2);
// let player look next to door
StartPlayerLookAt("Room1_LookAt_2", 2, 3, "");
AddTimer("3", 2, "IntroTimer"); // 2 seconds
else if(asTimer == "3")
// black screen
// Change all settings to default
FadeRadialBlurTo(0, 5);
FadeImageTrailTo(0, 5);
FadePlayerRollTo(0, 33, 33);
// normal screen
SetMessage("Message", "Hint0", 0);
AddDebugMessage("End Intro", false);
AddTimer("4", 1, "IntroTimer"); // 1 second
else if(asTimer == "4")
// play 'breathing sound' as 'wake up noise'
PlayGuiSound("react_breath2.ogg", 0.5f);
// ambient music 'scary'
PlayMusic("18_amb", false, 0.8, 5, 0, true);
AddTimer("5", 30, "IntroTimer"); // 30 seconds
else if(asTimer == "5")
// ambient music 'normal'
PlayMusic("10_amb", true, 0.5, 5, 0, true);
void Interact(string &in asEntity)
// Is entity locked door?
if (GetSwingDoorLocked(asEntity))
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
if (asEntity == "StorageRoom_Door")
if (HasItem("Room2_KeyStorage"))
SetMessage("Messages", "StorageDoorKey_Message", 4);
else if (GetSwingDoorLocked("StorageRoom_Door"))
SetMessage("Messages", "StorageDoorNoKey_Message", 4);
SetMessage("Messages", "DoorLocked_Message", 3);
else if (asEntity == "Room1_Door")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
if (!HasItem("Room1_Lantern"))
SetMessage("Messages", "Room1_Door_Message", 4);
else if (asEntity == "Room1_Chest")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
if (GetLeverState(asEntity) == -1)
AddDebugMessage("Room1_Chest is locked!", false);
if (!QuestIsAdded("Room1_Chest"))
// quest name, language file name
SetMessage("Messages", "Room1_Chest_Message", 3);
else if (!QuestIsCompleted("Room1_Chest"))
SetMessage("Messages", "Room1_Chest_Message", 3);
else if (HasItem("Room1_KeyChest"))
SetMessage("Messages", "Room1_Key_Message", 3);
else if (asEntity == "Room1_KeyChest")
CompleteQuest("Room1_Chest", "Room1_Chest");
else if (asEntity == "Room1_Cabinet")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// disable player movement
// disable lantern
SetLanternActive(false, false);
// push the player a little bit backwards
AddPlayerBodyForce(-7500.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, false);
// open the cabinet door a little bit, so that the broom becomes visible
AddPropImpulse("Room1_Cabinet", 0, 0, 30, "World");
// Sanity Damage
GiveSanityDamage(20.0f, true);
// play 'breathing sound' as 'shocking noise'
PlayGuiSound("react_breath4.ogg", 0.9f);
// play 'whisper' as 'shocking noise'
PlayGuiSound("insanity_whisper01.ogg", 0.8f);
// shake the screen
StartScreenShake(0.13f, 0.5f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
// let player look at the floor, where broom lies
StartPlayerLookAt("Room1_LookAt_3", 10, 25, "");
AddTimer("Room1_Cabinet", 2, "InteractTimer"); // 2 seconds
else if (asEntity == "Room2_NotePaper")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// neuen Checkpoint setzen
CheckPoint ("Room2_Checkpoint", "PlayerStartArea_3", "PlayerDied", "DeathMessage", "Dead");
else if (asEntity == "SecretBook_1")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// set secret books stuck state to default (free/unstuck)
SetPropObjectStuckState(asEntity, 0);
else if (asEntity == "SecretBook_2")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// set secret books stuck state to default (free/unstuck)
SetPropObjectStuckState(asEntity, 0);
else if (asEntity == "SecretBook_3")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// set secret books stuck state to default (free/unstuck)
SetPropObjectStuckState(asEntity, 0);
else if (asEntity == "SecretBook_4")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// set secret books stuck state to default (free/unstuck)
SetPropObjectStuckState(asEntity, 0);
else if (asEntity == "Cellar_Padlock")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
if (HasItem("ChemicalContainer"))
// Message - use acid on padlock
SetMessage("Messages", "Padlock_UseAcid_Message", 4);
else if (StringContains(GetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode"), "done"))
if (!QuestIsAdded("PadlockGoStorage"))
// quest name, language file name
SetMessage("Messages", "Padlock_Locked_Message", 3);
else if (!QuestIsCompleted("PadlockGoStorage") && GetSwingDoorLocked("Cellar_Hatch"))
SetMessage("Messages", "Padlock_Locked_Message", 3);
else if (GetSwingDoorLocked("Cellar_Hatch"))
if (!QuestIsAdded("PadlockFindStorage"))
// quest name, language file name
SetMessage("Messages", "Padlock_Locked_Message", 3);
else if (!QuestIsCompleted("PadlockFindStorage") && GetSwingDoorLocked("Cellar_Hatch"))
SetMessage("Messages", "Padlock_Locked_Message", 3);
else if (asEntity == "Cellar_Padlock_Broken")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// break sound
PlaySoundAtEntity("break", "impact_metal_high", "Cellar_Padlock_Broken", 0.0f, false);
// unlock the hatch
SetSwingDoorLocked("Cellar_Hatch", false, false);
// complete/remove quest
CompleteQuest("PadlockGoStorage", "PadlockGoStorage");
// acivate ladder area
SetEntityActive("CellarLadderArea", true);
else if (asEntity == "ChemicalContainer")
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asEntity, false);
// complete quest
if (QuestIsAdded("PadlockFindStorage"))
CompleteQuest("PadlockFindStorage", "PadlockFindStorage");
void InteractTimer(string &in asTimer)
if(asTimer == "Room1_Cabinet" || asTimer == "Room2_Shelf")
// activate player movement
else if (asTimer == "SecretBooksMove")
// "locked" sound as success noise
PlayGuiSound("gameplay_tick", 0.8f);
// move secret books to normal pos
SetPropObjectStuckState("SecretBook_*", -1);
// timer for changing stuck state + message
AddTimer("SecretBooksFree", 1, "InteractTimer"); // 1 second
else if (asTimer == "SecretBooksFree")
// set secret books stuck state to default (free/unstuck)
SetPropObjectStuckState("SecretBook_*", 0);
// Message - nothing happened... books back at original position
SetMessage("Messages", "Room2_SecretBooks_Message", 4);
// reset vars
SetLocalVarInt("VarSecretMoves", 0);
SetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode", "");
else if (asTimer == "DestroyParticle")
AddTimer("5", 3, "IntroTimer"); // 3 seconds
else if (asTimer == "StorageRoom_Statue")
// play 'breathing sound' as 'shocking noise'
PlayGuiSound("react_breath4.ogg", 1.0f);
void LookAt(string &in asEntity, int alState)
if (asEntity == "Room1_Broom" && alState == 1)
AddDebugMessage("Player looking at Room1_Broom", false);
void UseKey(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
// unlock the door
SetSwingDoorLocked(asEntity, false, true);
// play 'unlock door' sound
PlayGuiSound("unlock_door", 0.4f);
// remove the key from inventory, cause it is not needed anymore
void UseKey_Chest(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
// unlock the chest
SetLeverStuckState(asEntity, 0, false);
// play 'unlock door' sound
PlayGuiSound("unlock_door", 0.4f);
// remove the key from inventory, cause it is not needed anymore
void UseAcid(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
// remove the ChemicalContainer (filled one with acid) from inventory
// add a empty container
GiveItemFromFile("ChemicalContainerEmpty", "chemical_container.ent");
// play acid burn sound
PlaySoundAtEntity("burnlock", "puzzle_acid", "Cellar_Padlock", 1.0f, false);
// change the padlocks with fade out/fade in
SetPropActiveAndFade("Cellar_Padlock", false, 2.0f);
SetPropActiveAndFade("Cellar_Padlock_Broken", true, 1.0f);
// disable the padlock collisions area
SetEntityActive("PadlockArea", false);
//--- prevent CANDLES from shining trough walls ---
void CandleSmall_Off(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Room1: small candle OFF", false);
SetLampLit("Room1_CandleSmall", false, false);
void CandleSmall_On(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Room1: small candle ON", false);
SetLampLit("Room1_CandleSmall", true, false);
void CandleBig_Off(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Room1: big candle OFF", false);
SetLampLit("Room1_CandleBig", false, false);
SetLampLit("Room1_Candle_3", false, false);
SetLampLit("Room1_Candle_4", false, false);
// Room 2
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_1", true, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_4", true, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_5", true, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_9", true, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Fire", true, false);
void CandleBig_On(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Room1: big candle ON", false);
SetLampLit("Room1_CandleBig", true, false);
SetLampLit("Room1_Candle_3", true, false);
SetLampLit("Room1_Candle_4", true, false);
// Room 2
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_1", false, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_4", false, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_5", false, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Candle_9", false, false);
SetLampLit("Room2_Fire", false, false);
void Room3Candles_Off(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Room3 Candles: OFF", false);
SetLampLit("Room3_Fire", false, false);
void Room3Candles_On(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Room3 Candles: OFF", false);
SetLampLit("Room3_Fire", true, false);
void StairHallCandles_Off(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Stair Hall Candles: OFF", false);
SetLampLit("StairHall_CandleTri_*", false, false);
SetEntityActive("StairHall_SpotLight_*", false);
void StairHallCandles_On(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("Stair Hall Candles: ON", false);
SetLampLit("StairHall_CandleTri_*", true, false);
SetEntityActive("StairHall_SpotLight_*", true);
//--- Room2 --- move shelf (in front of hidden tunnel) ---
void CollideSecretBook(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("moved book " + asParent, false);
if (alState == 1 || alState == -1)
if (GetLocalVarInt("VarSecretMoves") != 4)
SetLocalVarInt("VarSecretMoves", GetLocalVarInt("VarSecretMoves")+1);
SetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode", GetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode") + asParent + ",");
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("current code: " + GetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode"), false);
SetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode", GetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode") + asParent);
// Code == 3,1,4,2,3
if (GetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode") == "SecretBook_3,SecretBook_1,SecretBook_4,SecretBook_2,SecretBook_3")
// Debug Message
AddDebugMessage("open shelf", false);
// set var to "moving" to prevent "wrong" message
// set var to "done" to use it later (check)
SetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode", "moving+done");
// deactivate player movement
// "locked" sound as success noise
PlaySoundAtEntity("BooksDone", "lock_door", "Player", 0, false);
// move secret books to default position
SetPropObjectStuckState("SecretBook_*", -1);
AddTimer("Room2_SecretBooks", 0.25f, "InteractTimer"); // 0.25 seconds
// disbale interaction with secret books
SetEntityInteractionDisabled("SecretBook_*", true);
// let player look at the floor, where broom lies
StartPlayerLookAt("Room2_SecretShelf", 2, 3, "");
AddTimer("Room2_Shelf", 2, "InteractTimer"); // 3 seconds
// roate the shelf (open)
SetMoveObjectState("Room2_SecretShelf", 0.5f);
// dust
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("dust", "ps_dust_falling_door_quick", "Room2_SecretParticleArea", false);
AddTimer("DestroyParticle", 15, "InteractTimer"); // 15 seconds
// puzzle secret - music
PlayMusic("03_puzzle_secret.ogg", false, 0.7f, 0, 10, false);
else if (!StringContains(GetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode"), "moving"))
// set var to "moving" to prevent repeat of "wrong" message
SetLocalVarString("VarSecretCode", "moving");
// move secret books to default position
AddTimer("SecretBooksMove", 1, "InteractTimer"); // 1 second
//--- Room 2 - Painting collides with AreaPainting, when player picks it ---
void PuzzleSound(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddDebugMessage("Interact with " + asParent, false);
// puzzle solved sound
PlayMusic("02_puzzle.ogg", false, 0.7f, 0, 10, false);
//--- Storage Room - Statue collide with door ---
void SmashStatue(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddDebugMessage("Interact with StorageRoom_Door", false);
// stop the door from moving, like hittin the statue
AddPropImpulse("StorageRoom_Door", 0, 0, 2, "World");
// shake the screen
StartScreenShake(0.10f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
// Sanity Damage
GiveSanityDamage(35.0f, true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("Impact", "15_body_impact.snt", "StorageRoom_ArmorFall", 0, false);
AddTimer("StorageRoom_Statue", 1, "InteractTimer"); // 1 second
//--- Room 3 - bloody vision scare ---
void BeginVision(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// deactivate player movement
// Sanity Damage
GiveSanityDamage(35.0f, true);
// disable lantern
SetLanternActive(false, false);
// puzzle secret - music
PlayMusic("19_event_brute.ogg", false, 1.1f, 0, 10, false);
// counter var - to decrease speed
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", 0);
// var to stop player
SetLocalVarInt("Stop", 0);
// let player look at the bed on the right
StartPlayerLookAt("Room3_LookAt_1", 2, 3, "");
// Timer for player movement - to bed
AddTimer("1", 0.1f, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 0.1 seconds
void MovePlayerTimer(string &in asTimer)
if (asTimer == "1")
// move the player to the bed
AddPlayerBodyForce(3150 - (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") * 10), 0, 1100, false);
if (GetLocalVarInt("Stop") != 1)
// Timer for player movement - to bed
AddTimer("1", 0.1f, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 0.1 seconds
// increase counter var - to decrease speed
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", GetLocalVarInt("Counter")+1);
// counter var - reset
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", 0);
// var to stop player - reset
SetLocalVarInt("Stop", 0);
// Timer for player movement - to cabinet
AddTimer("look2", 1, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 1 second
else if (asTimer == "look2")
// let player look at the bloody floor
StartPlayerLookAt("Room3_LookAt_2", 2, 3, "");
AddTimer("look3", 1, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 1 second
else if (asTimer == "look3")
// let player look at the bloody floor
StartPlayerLookAt("Room3_LookAt_3", 2, 3, "");
AddTimer("2", 1, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 1 second
else if (asTimer == "2")
// move the player from the bed to the cabinet
AddPlayerBodyForce(-3150 + (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") * 10), 0, 900 - (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") * 10), false);
if (GetLocalVarInt("Stop") != 1)
// Timer for player movement - to cabinet
AddTimer("2", 0.1f, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 0.1 seconds
// increase counter var - to decrease speed
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", GetLocalVarInt("Counter")+1);
// let player look at the bloody cabinet
StartPlayerLookAt("Room3_LookAt_end", 2, 3, "");
// counter var - reset
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", 0);
// var to stop player - reset
SetLocalVarInt("Stop", 0);
// Timer for player movement - to cabinet
AddTimer("3", 0.1f, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 0.1 seconds
else if (asTimer == "3")
// push the player from the bed to the cabinet
AddPlayerBodyForce(-1400 + (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") * 10), 0, 2600 - (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") * 10), false);
if (GetLocalVarInt("Stop") != 1)
// Timer for player movement - to cabinet
AddTimer("3", 0.1f, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 0.1 seconds
// increase counter var - to decrease speed
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", GetLocalVarInt("Counter")+1);
// counter var - reset
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", 0);
// Timer for open cabinet
AddTimer("open cabinet", 1, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 1 second
AddDebugMessage("open cabinet doors", false);
else if (asTimer == "open cabinet")
// open the cabinet doors
AddPropForce("Room3_Cabinet", 0, 0, -45,"World");
if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") != 15)
// Timer for player movement - to cabinet
AddTimer("open cabinet", 0.1f, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 0.1 second
// counter var
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", GetLocalVarInt("Counter")+1);
// play 'breathing sound' as 'shocking noise'
PlayGuiSound("react_breath4.ogg", 0.9f);
// Sanity Damage
GiveSanityDamage(10.0f, true);
// Timer for smashing the door
AddTimer("smash door", 3, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 3 seconds
else if (asTimer == "smash door")
AddDebugMessage("smash door", false);
// smash the door
SetSwingDoorClosed("Room3_Door", true, false);
// dust
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("dust_door", "ps_dust_impact_vert.ps", "Room3_AreaDust", false);
// sound for door smashing
PlayGuiSound("21_bang_door", 1.5f);
// shake the screen
StartScreenShake(0.25f, 0.1f, 0.25f, 0.1f);
// Sanity Damage
GiveSanityDamage(15.0f, true);
// Timer for looking to the door
AddTimer("look door", 0.7f, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 0.7 seconds
else if (asTimer == "look door")
// play 'breathing sound' as 'shocking noise'
PlayGuiSound("react_breath4.ogg", 0.9f);
// let player look at the bloody cabinet
StartPlayerLookAt("Room3_Door", 4, 8, "");
// Timer for activation of player movement
AddTimer("end", 1, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 1 second
else if (asTimer == "end")
// play 'breathing sound' as 'shocking noise'
PlayGuiSound("react_breath4.ogg", 0.9f);
// activate player movement
// Timer for activation of player movement
AddTimer("quest", 1, "MovePlayerTimer"); // 1 second
else if (asTimer == "quest")
// find a way out of the mansion quest
//--- Room 3 - bloody vision scare --- area collide callbacks ---
//--- movement - area collide - door to bed
void MoveLeft_1(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// move the player to the left
AddPlayerBodyForce(0, 0, -1500, false);
void MoveRight_1(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// move the player to the right
AddPlayerBodyForce(0, 0, 1500, false);
//--- movement - area collide - bed to cabinet 1
void MoveLeft_2(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// move the player to the left
AddPlayerBodyForce(0, 0, 1500, false);
void MoveRight_2(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// move the player to the right
AddPlayerBodyForce(0, 0, -1500, false);
//--- movement - area collide - bed to cabinet 2
void MoveLeft_3(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// move the player to the left
AddPlayerBodyForce(1500, 0, 0, false);
void MoveRight_3(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// move the player to the right
AddPlayerBodyForce(-1500, 0, 0, false);
//--- movement - area collide - stop movement
void StopMove_1(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddDebugMessage("stop movement", false);
// var to stop player
SetLocalVarInt("Stop", 1);
// remove collide callbacks 1
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveL1");
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveR1");
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "StopMove1");
void StopMove_2(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddDebugMessage("stop movement", false);
// var to stop player
SetLocalVarInt("Stop", 1);
// remove collide callbacks 2
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveL2");
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveR2");
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "StopMove2");
void StopMove_3(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddDebugMessage("stop movement", false);
// var to stop player
SetLocalVarInt("Stop", 1);
// remove collide callbacks 3
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveL3");
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "MoveR3");
RemoveEntityCollideCallback("Player", "StopMove3");
//--- Room 4 - Table Area Scare ---
void BreakTables(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// deactivate player movement
// sound for door smashing
PlayGuiSound("21_bang_door", 0.7f);
// let player look at the door
StartPlayerLookAt("Room4_Door_2", 4, 8, "");
// open the door
SetSwingDoorDisableAutoClose("Room4_Door_2", true);
SetSwingDoorClosed("Room4_Door_2", false, false);
SetSwingDoorLocked("Room4_Door_2", false, false);
// force the door to open
AddPropImpulse("Room4_Door_2", -45, 0, 0, "World");
// dust
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("dust_door", "ps_dust_impact_vert.ps", "Room4_AreaDust", false);
// Sanity Damage
GiveSanityDamage(15.0f, true);
// shake the screen
StartScreenShake(0.25f, 0.1f, 0.25f, 0.1f);
// player reaction
PlaySoundAtEntity("react", "react_pant.snt", "Player", 0, false);
// disable lantern
SetLanternActive(false, false);
// counter var
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", 0);
// timer to break and move objects
AddTimer("push", 0.5f, "BreakTimer"); // 0.5 seconds
void BreakTimer(string &in asTimer)
if (asTimer == "push")
// push the chairs away
AddPropImpulse("Room4_Chair_L" + GetLocalVarInt("Counter"), 0, 0, -5, "World");
AddPropImpulse("Room4_Chair_R" + GetLocalVarInt("Counter"), 0, 0, 5, "World");
// push the plates away
AddPropImpulse("Room4_PlateL_" + GetLocalVarInt("Counter"), 0, 0, -5, "World");
AddPropImpulse("Room4_PlateR_" + GetLocalVarInt("Counter"), 0, 0, 5, "World");
// push the silver away
AddPropImpulse("Room4_SilverL_" + GetLocalVarInt("Counter"), 0, 0, -5, "World");
AddPropImpulse("Room4_SilverR_" + GetLocalVarInt("Counter"), 0, 0, 5, "World");
// disable lights
if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") == 2)
SetLampLit("Room4_Candle_1", false, false);
else if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") == 5)
SetLampLit("Room4_Candle_2", false, false);
else if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") == 8)
SetLampLit("Room4_Candle_3", false, false);
else if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") == 11)
SetLampLit("Room4_Candle_4", false, false);
else if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") == 14)
SetLampLit("Room4_Candle_5", false, false);
if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") != 16)
// increase counter var
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", GetLocalVarInt("Counter") + 1);
// timer to break and move objects
AddTimer("push", 0.2f, "BreakTimer"); // 0.4 seconds
AddTimer("push_end", 0.2f, "BreakTimer"); // 0.4 seconds
else if (asTimer == "push_end")
AddPropImpulse("Room4_Chair_End", -5, 0, 0, "World");
// activate player movement
AddTimer("quest", 12, "BreakTimer"); // 12 seconds
else if (asTimer == "quest")
//--- Hallway - Enable Grunts and disable all hallway lights ---
void EnableHallGrunts(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
// deactivate player movement
// let player look at the first grunt
StartPlayerLookAt("AreaGrunt_1", 4, 8, "");
// Sanity Damage
GiveSanityDamage(5.0f, true);
// disable lantern
SetLanternActive(false, false);
// counter var
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", 0);
// timer to turn the lights off
AddTimer("lights off", 0.2f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 0.2 seconds
void LightsOffTimer(string &in asTimer)
if (asTimer == "lights off")
// set candles off
SetLampLit("HallM_Candle_" + GetLocalVarInt("Counter"), false, false);
if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") != 12)
// increase counter var
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", GetLocalVarInt("Counter") + 1);
// timer to turn the lights off
AddTimer("lights off", 0.2f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 0.2 seconds
// let player look at the floor
StartPlayerLookAt("AreaLookGrunt", 1, 2, "");
// set all candles off
SetLampLit("HallM_Candle_*", false, false);
// player sanity '0'
// push the player in the middle of the hall
AddPlayerBodyForce(0, 0, -25000, false);
// timer to spawn the grunts
AddTimer("spawn grunts", 2.5f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 2.5 seconds
// counter var - "-1" for grunt hit door
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", -1);
else if (asTimer == "spawn grunts")
// sound for monster
PlayGuiSound("insanity_monster_roar01.ogg", 1.5f);
// enable grunt 1 and let it run to player
SetEntityActive("servant_brute_1", true);
// let player look at the first grunt
StartPlayerLookAt("servant_brute_1", 4, 8, "");
// timer to look at the 2nd grunt
AddTimer("look to grunt 2", 10.0f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 10 seconds
else if (asTimer == "look to grunt 2")
// sound for monster
PlayGuiSound("insanity_monster_roar02.ogg", 1.5f);
// enable grunt 2 and let it run to player
SetEntityActive("servant_brute_2", true);
// let player look at the first grunt
StartPlayerLookAt("servant_brute_2", 4, 8, "");
// timer to make player active
AddTimer("look door", 10.0f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 10 seconds
else if (asTimer == "look door")
// sound for monster
PlayGuiSound("enabled01.ogg", 1.5f);
// let player look at the first grunt
StartPlayerLookAt("Room5_AreaDust", 4, 8, "");
// timer to hit the door
AddTimer("hit door", 2.0f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 2 seconds
// timer to make player active
AddTimer("player active", 3.0f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 3 seconds
else if (asTimer == "hit door")
if (GetLocalVarInt("Counter") == -1)
// push the door
AddPropImpulse("Room5_Door", -25, 0, 0, "World");
// sound for door hit
PlayGuiSound("hit_wood1.ogg", 1.5f);
// dust
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("dust_door", "ps_dust_impact_vert.ps", "Room5_AreaDust", false);
// timer to hit the door
AddTimer("hit door", RandInt(1, 4), "LightsOffTimer"); // 2 seconds
SetLocalVarInt("random", RandInt(1, 20));
if (GetLocalVarInt("random") == 5)
// sound for monster
PlayGuiSound("enabled01.ogg", 1.5f);
else if (GetLocalVarInt("random") == 10)
// sound for monster
PlayGuiSound("enabled02.ogg", 1.5f);
else if (GetLocalVarInt("random") == 15)
// sound for monster
PlayGuiSound("enabled04.ogg", 1.5f);
else if (asTimer == "player active")
// activate player movement
// timer to play grunt attack music
AddTimer("attack music", 1.0f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 1 seconds
else if (asTimer == "attack music")
// ambient music 'guardian attack'
PlayMusic("att_guardian", true, 1.0f, 5, 0, true);
// timer to play normal ambient music
AddTimer("ambient music", 38.0f, "LightsOffTimer"); // 38 seconds
else if (asTimer == "ambient music")
// ambient music 'normal'
PlayMusic("10_amb", true, 0.5f, 5, 0, true);
// counter var reset (stop the grunt hitting the door)
SetLocalVarInt("Counter", 0);
//--- Player died ---
void PlayerDied(string &in asName, int alCount)
StopMusic(1.0f, 1);
// ambient music 'normal'
PlayMusic("10_amb", true, 0.5f, 5, 0, true);
if (asName == "Room1_Checkpoint")
// Room1 lights ON / Room2 lights OFF
CandleSmall_On("", "", 1);
CandleBig_On("", "", 1);
else if (asName == "Room2_Checkpoint")
// Room1 lights OFF / Room2 lights ON
CandleSmall_Off("", "", 1);
CandleBig_Off("", "", 1);
void Credits(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
StartCredits("credits.ogg", false, "Ending", "MyCredits", -1);