Books has most of the details and leaves everything to your imagination. You can go as far as your imagination lets you go, which is limitless, and which is not in games of movies.
Movies strictly limit you to the visuals they create, and little freedom if they have a well-written story. Like David Lynch movies.
Games are much freer from movies, but much limited from books. There are Visual Novels, if you are familiar, they are between games and books, and takes a lot of patience and time to follow, with many different paths they serve you. One can say they might be even better than books, though I still think books are best. I see every one of them as a way of telling stories. Although Will Wright thinks games are not meant to tell stories, he can shut up and continue on making Sims.
New version will be more dynamic, at least what Dan said is so. I played end of us and it was pretty amazing job, and a very different approach to story-telling. However only game-play dynamic it had was to move the asteroid around. I mean you can judge every story based game with its non-existed aspects, and it wouldn't be fair.
Would you prefer a shit with full of game-play mechanics that's a best selling game of all the time:
http://www.1up.com/news/black-ops-best-s...e-all-time ?