Black Plague
... wonder who's nightmare inspired that weird ass dream sequence thing?
Oh yeah.
... chuckle the first time you saw an Infected?
Yeah, I found the white skinned ones kinda funny looking. The darker ones however...
... find the voice of the Infected humorous?
Running right in front of one to escape the room, and it calls out "You there!" and I just started laughing.
... laugh hysterically when you died during a tense moment?
... think sarcastically that the Archaic sounded like a great company to work for?
Especially after I checked out the orientation disk. And I thought my company was bad...
... grin like a maniac even as you were trying to stay alive because you were having such a good time?
... chuckle at some of the things that Clarence said, even as you imagined yourself wrapping your fingers around his throat and squeezing?
A couple of times, yes.
... let out a screech/shriek/scream when the body damn near fell on your head while climbing the scaffolding?
Sadly, I did. And I pride myself on being hard to startle, so it'll be a while before I live that one down.
... freeze to death while wandering around outside?
Narrowly managed to avoid that one.
... at any point, say something to the effect of: "Oh you've got to be kidding me!" upon seeing what diabolical hoops you were going to have to jump through to get what you needed?
When I saw the lights in the kennels.
... after jumping through said hoops have to take a minute to let your hands stop shaking?
Especially once I realized I was going to have to do it again.
... spend a few minutes just staring in mute horror at Amabel?
... give Clarence multiple death threats? Bonus points if you said them out loud.
Yes, after what happened to poor Amabel, and bonus.
(If you plays The Sims, Minecraft, or any other game that allows you to build stuff from the ground up)
... start thinking of what you would need to do to build the Shelter in your chosen game?
Haha, yes. The library is what got me thinking about that, since it's such a cool room. If I do build The Shelter, I'll likely have to split it into multiple lots, but since you can go between lots with no loading screen on Sims 3, that shouldn't be a problem. I need to go check into making custom wallpapers...
... accidentally crush yourself under the giant block crusher?
Yes! Gods, I felt like such an idiot, cause I knew it was there and what it was for.
... accidentally fall in the water during the Sewer level and felt surprised that you could swim?
Well since falling in water in Overture killed you instantly, and I never tried it in Black Plague, I just assumed that I would drown. So I missed my step, fell in, and was shocked when I didn't die.
... wonder who among the gang at Frictional is the Donkey Kong fan?
Yes. So who is it guys? Hmmmm?
... have the physics go completely wonky at random moments, which caused all sorts of weird stuff to happen?
You have NO idea! I had stuff stick to walls, and continue to stick there after I let go and stepped back. I'd grab something and go to push it forward and end up sliding sideways, even though I was pressing the W key. My personal favorite though happened during the water level, when I was swimming and I grabbed a floating crate and barely tapped the W key to gently nudge it forward, and I literally ZOOMED across the room! It was hilarious.
... eagerly wait for the PA system to start up again, just so you could hear what kind of weird things it was going to spout off?
*nod,nod* My fave was when Dr. Eminiss announced that he was staying and the PA system said "Oh god, no.".
(If you played Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
... think that Alexander was talking to you at a certain point?
Where is this memory hiding!
... have to remind yourself on multiple occasions (if you already knew ahead of time) that there were no monsters in the game?
Especially when the splash in the water in the Sewer level gave me Amnesia flashbacks. XD The giant worm swimming by also startled the hell out of me. There were a couple of other times as well.
... when it was all said and done, sit back and ponder how it felt like a lifetime ago that you started it all back in Overture?
It fel like ages since I had started that wild ride, but it was all worth it. I'm glad I decided to give Penumbra a chance.