To elaborate a bit further on what Roenlond said, the first entry is the name of the monster. The second is the name of the path node area, which I tend to leave as their default but if you choose to rename it that is also fine. The third entry is the amount of time in seconds the monster will stand still at the path node area once reaching it. The fourth is for an animation you want it to play while being stopped, but I have not seen many people do it, since in general the player will avoid looking at the monster.
But at any rate, yes, what Roenlond said is completely true and it will work, provided you alter the names to your own.
(05-02-2011, 04:48 PM)Karai16 Wrote: (05-02-2011, 04:31 PM)Roenlond Wrote: void zombieactive (string &in asParent , string &in asChild , int alState)
SetEntityActive("zombiee", true);
AddEnemyPatrolNode("zombiee", "zombiee2", 2, "");
AddEnemyPatrolNode("zombiee", "zombiee3", 0, "");
Once the function zombieactive is called, my monster called "zombiee" will be set to active and start walking to the pathnode "zombiee2", wait two seconds then move to the pathnode "zombiee3".
Okay, it works, but now there's another problem. The monster doesn't despawn after following the path, how do I do that?
Add another area for the monster to collide with. Then create a new function that is called when the monster enters it, which will SetEntityActive("monster", false);. You can also use FadeEnemyToSmoke if you want, I tend to use the latter because if the player is looking at the monster, it disappears like it was a hallucination rather than just vanishing instantly.