might want to either have a look at the script function
PlayPropAnimation(string& asProp, string& asAnimation, float afFadeTime, bool abLoop, string& asCallback);
//May or may not work for enemy entities - never used this function myself.
AddEnemyPatrolNode(string& asName, string& asNodeName, float afWaitTime, string& asAnimation);
//Last argument lets you specify the animation, though not entirely sure if this
//Stops the enemy at the node whilst the animation plays.
For playing the correct animation. Failing that you will want to go into the model editor and open up the grunt's .ent file, navigate to settings->animation and change where the walk animation points to it's animation with the one used in the run spot. You can then go about manipulating speed etc, before saving the edited entity as a new entity called "running_grunt" or something.