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Whispers played backwards
Drock Offline
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RE: Whispers played backwards

Yeah I actually found the isolated scream from HL2 as well, but I made it into a ringtone for one of my friends (he doesn't call often). They say a variety of things but it is with a muffled voice. You can hear "WHY?", "Oh God!", "Help Me!", and, quite muffled, "I don't wanna DIE" (but it sounds more like "I woe anna Die"). Dang it is very Night of the living Dead scary without the video game environment.

I really cannot wait until my download finishes for this one. I really enjoyed the demo. Fantastic job on the game guys!

Also, I DO believe there was something more besides "help me"... Not sure now, tis was a long time ago I played HL2.
04-12-2007, 07:04 AM

Messages In This Thread
Whispers played backwards - by Jojje - 04-02-2007, 06:00 AM

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