RE: Puzzle Help
ok this is a fairly simple script, first you need to place the bloodmash and the key on say, a table(where his head will be later). Then you have to make them unactive, so they cant be seen. and place them the way you want them to appear after you smash the head.
2. then you place his head, this entity is active, and will be what the player will see before it's smashed. make a script"box" so it covers the head. call it "SmashArea" or something.
and the rest is scripting
void OnStart()
AddUseItemCallback("", "HAMMER", "SmashArea", "HeadSmashed", true);
void HeadSmashed(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
RemoveItem("Hammer"); //if you want it removed
SetEntityActive("AGRIPPAHEAD", false); //hides the head
SetEntityActive("BLOODMASH", true); //Shows the bloodmash
SetEntityActive("KEY", true); //shows the key
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("", "", "SmashArea", false); //Some blood flying
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "attack_claw_hit.snt", "Player", 0, false); //You might want to find a fitting sound
PlayMusic("IfYouWantMusic", false, 1, 2, 0, false); //maybe some creepy music to make the puzzle better
GiveSanityDamage(10, true); //gives a better reaction to smashing a head.
So now when you use the hammer on the area that covers the head, it will dissapear, some blood flying, and a bloodmash and a key would be standing left.
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2011, 02:58 PM by Rownbear.)