Do you have a file named "effect_white.jpg" in the graphics/effect directory in the game directory? If it exists, Is it a valid file (ie. not currupted?) Try loading it up in a graphics program. You might try re-installing the game with the latest FULL installer.
Do you have the libjpeg installed? Search your system for, as that is required by libSDL_image to load jpegs. (Another file I need to add to my installer now)
If it still doesn't work, another thing to test, is in your home directory under the ".frictionalgames/Penumbra Overture/Episode 1/" directory there is a "settings.cfg" file, edit that file and change the LogResources="false" to be set to "true" and restart the game. That will put more logging into the hpl.log as to what resources it is finding and what directories it is searching. Then send me the Entire Log file
duffolonious Wrote:to run:
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./penumbrademo.bin
///the game errors out, here is what the log says:
$ tail ~/.frictionalgames/Penumbra\ Overture/Episode1/hpl.log
Find Files in 'textures' with mask '*.*'
Find Files in 'fonts/eng' with mask '*.*'
Find Files in 'sounds/voices/eng' with mask '*.*'
Find Files in 'graphics/lang_specific/eng' with mask '*.*'
Find Files in 'textures/lang_specific/eng' with mask '*.*'
Trying to load vertex program!
ERROR: Imagemanager Couldn't load bitmap 'graphics/effect/effect_white.jpg'
FATAL ERROR: Couldn't load image 'effect_white.jpg'!
Deleting ATI shader to 0
///end hpl.log