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Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA
Grayda Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Helter-Skelter Wrote:Hi Grayda

I have a wii remote and numchuck thing, is this an easy thing to setup?
i also have a bluetooth dongle, could you do a easy walkthrough please dude?

This was nicked from the MSDN Coding4Fun site. It's rather easy to set up actually:

Quote:Getting Connected

This will likely be the biggest sticking point. The Wiimote will not pair and communicate successfully with every Bluetooth device and stack on the planet. For example, I can get the device to connect to my desktop's MSI Star Key 2.0 USB adapter which uses the WIDCOMM stack, however I cannot get it to connect to my laptop's Dell Truemobile 350 adapter with the standard Windows stack. There's little I can do to help get you connected if the following steps do not work. Either it's going to work, or it isn't. Cross your fingers...

1. Start up your Bluetooth software and have it search for a device.
2. Hold down the 1 and 2 buttons on the Wiimote. You should see the LEDs at the bottom start flashing. Do not let go of these buttons until this procedure is complete.
3. The device should show up in the list of devices found as Nintendo RVL-CNT-01. If it's not there, start over and try again.
4. Click Next to move your way through the wizard. If at any point you are asked to enter a security code or PIN, leave the number blank or click Skip. Do not enter a number.
5. You may be asked which service to use from the Wiimote. Select the keyboard/mouse/HID service if prompted (you should only see one service available).
6. Finish the wizard.

And you should be all set! To reconnect the remote, I had to open up the Widcomm My Bluetooth Places box, click my remote and click "Add this bluetooth device" and follow steps four through six. Then open up GlovePIE, load the script and start playing. I'm going to get my old man to help me with building a USB sensor bar, so soon, this script will be updated to support the IR sensor and provide MUCH more accurate gameplay.

Best of luck Big Grin
04-25-2007, 02:22 PM

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Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA - by Grayda - 04-22-2007, 05:26 AM

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