I'm just wondering
but why do you do this:
if (GetEntitiesCollide("brute1","EnemyAtDoor") &&
SetSwingDoorClosed("door1", false, false);
shouldn't it be:
if (GetEntitiesCollide("brute1","EnemyAtDoor")==true && GetSwingDoorLocked("door1")==false){
SetSwingDoorClosed("door1", false, false);
Amnesia wiki script functions say this:
bool GetEntitiesCollide(string& asEntityA, string& asEntityB);
so GetEntitiesCollide(string& asEntityA, string& asEntityB); is either false or true. Which you don't have in your script.
If I am wrong, please do tell otherwise I'll keep telling people wrong things and we don't want that do we? :p