Willbreaker Wrote:Wow, I can only imagine how cool that would be. Because with the wii mote you can actuallt feel the movement you are making when opening a door. Wow. I hope it works out greatly!
I built myself a sensor bar (The whole thing cost $2.50 to make and works great!) so now I can make the script more responsive, and hopefully work on some thrusting motion so you can pull the remote back to pull doors open
banj007 Wrote:If I had a Wii-mote I would be all over helping you guys... :'(
A Bluetooth adapter is cheap as chips (I got mine off eBay for $10 AUD including postage from Hong Kong) and my Wiimote was cheapish too ($60 AUD including postage. It's a Japanese remote, but it works exactly the same) and the software is free. Plus you can use it for other games and other programs. Google Maps is pretty fun with the remote ;D But if you can't get to a remote, that's alright. I think joysticks might work with this too. I've yet to do some code porting..