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Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA
Grayda Offline
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RE: Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA

Helter-Skelter Wrote:Well good news is a can get it to connect to my Bluetooth but..........
dont seem to be able to get anything working in the game?
It will connect saying Nintendo RVL-CNT-01 and also says keyboard/mouse/HID service.

I load up the script in the GlovePIE but still no joy?

Trivial question, but have you clicked Run in the IDE? FAiling that, have you looked in the troubleshooting menu at the bluetooth fix? And failing THAT, is your remote actually CONNECTED to the computer? For it to work, it must show a green indicator somewhere in your bluetooth software (ie. in the system tray). The Wii remote is a royal pain when it comes to connecting. Normally the Wii's stack takes care of that and all you have to do is press a button and the remote is connected to the Wii. But in Windows you have to manually connect by playing around with some BT stuff. I find that if I search for services on my Wii remote, and click "Finish" before the lights stops flashing, then it connects and stays connected until I'm out of range or press the power button. HGope that makes sense XD. If not, then I'll try and do a visual walkthrough for you ;D
05-03-2007, 01:01 AM

Messages In This Thread
Wiimote Penumbra Script 1.0 BETA - by Grayda - 04-22-2007, 05:26 AM

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