Could my mod idea get pulled off?
Skip to the bolded line if you dont want to read my incredibly long intro
Alright, so hey guys. Never really posted here before, so none of you will know me (I think). Im just going to go straight to the point here. Ive had a mod idea for about a year or more now (always in the back of my head), but until Amnesia was released, there was no suitable engine for me to express my idea on. Well now that Amnesias been out for a while, and the HPL2 engine seems to be fully open to the modding community, I thought I'd give this a try.
Im going to be honest here, Ive almost never written code. (You're now probably thinking im stupid for wanting to start a mod without even knowing how to code/script :\). The best Ive ever done is modify and write small codes for Second Life (as I work for a small company that creates things there). But I will definitely try my best to learn code for this mod as I really wish to get it going.
Anyways, back to the idea. Ive always loved the idea of letting the player do whatever they want (sandbox games like Crysis that let you attack a situation from any angle). But Ive also always loved map building/minecraft/gmod/fort building of any kind. Tis why I fell in love with the zombie barricade mod for Left 4 Dead survival mode (this was kind of when I got the idea). Anyways, this is where you may know where I am going.
Is it possible, to create a 100% realistic zombie barricade type game?
Im talking there are tons of different random maps created, and you always start with you running into one from zombies, then have just minutes to take household items and barricade yourself. I think it sounds like a simple idea, but probably extremely complicated to make, hence why I am posting this here as I get the wiki loaded, read through the forums, and download all the mods tools.
Amnesia already has the very realistic physics and graphics, and good barricading physics, but there are alot of things that would probably need to be added off the top of my head:
Melee weapons (being able to almost grab any household appliance and use it to defend yourself)
Zombies that can be amounted in masses
Modern day effects/textures/ect (Ive already seen this done with a mod called White Knight or White Night I believe)
Leveling (?) Still iffy on leveling. I would think it would be cool that as you use certain weapons or weapon types more, you slowly go up in levels or something. Like as you use melee weapons more, you can swing faster and harder, or when you use a rare gun (if added/even possible) you can shoot more accurate and reload faster (as you would start almost hurting yourself with a huge recoil).
I dont know, just tell me your thoughts, and thanks for reading. Ill be reading more into the wiki, and I really hope some of my ideas are possible
And lastly, if this has already been done, then I am disappoint :c