Thanks Saffire192.
Now it works.
I will report, when I had other problems with my full conversion. But meanwhile you could help me with another custom story, which I had stop, because my weak knowledge of scripting.
Quote: I had already problem by making buttons and levers.
So this is my concept.
The player used a lever ( I had also tried with a button, with no succes)
which makes the following things:
- He unlock a door
- He activate some enemys
- He plays a sound
But nothing works!
Not even with a button!
Maybe my script is total fail again...
This is by onStart
Quote:SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("LeverExit01", "OpentheExit");
And this is the rest:
Quote:void OpentheExit(string &in asConnectionName, string &in asMainEntity, string &in asConnectEntity, int alState)
if (alState == 1)
SetLeverStuckState(asMainEntity, -1, true);
SetSwingDoorLocked("Ceiling", false, true);
SetEntityActive("Exit_Guard01" , true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("LeverExit01", "levelexitopen.ogg", "Player", 0.5f, false);
AddEnemyPatrolNode("Exit_Guard01", "Path9", 0.1f, "true"); // There are more pathnodes, but then my post would explode... xD
So what is wrong?
I have also a small question. It is possible to make enemys never dissapear and always followed their pathnodes, like in Justine? How did I do this?