(09-01-2011, 04:59 PM)Acies Wrote: Lazy brat.
As for other users: I may release the full procedure (animation adding etc.) if there is any interest?
I take it that was all in good fun.
So I couldn't seem to get it working. For testing purposes I've been using the crude_man_chains_statue dae and dds files from the ptest folder, as it seems similar to what my custom model will be like (my boyfriend hasn't finished the custom model yet. I lucked out dating an artist, amirite?). I must be messing up somewhere, though I tried following your instruction word for word.
Anyway, I, for one, thinks someone should eventually make a tutorial (by god, if I ever figure out how it may have to be me). I haven't seen anyone make an in depth tutorial on how to put a custom monster into the game... anywhere. I'll keep searching the forums I guess. Thanks for the help though!
My first priority will always be to Chaos.