RE: Research on "who" you felt like in Amnesia
1.) Throughout the game I did feel like I was in Brennenburg! The sounds and atmosphere (especially with the headphones on and the lights off) really got to me, probably because this was the first horror game I had actually played myself for the most part, and made the entire experience both wonderful and horrifying at the same time. The story kept me well immersed the whole time too, keeping me on the edge of my seat to see just what would happen for the things I hadn't figured out myself.
2.) As said before, this was my first horror game that I actually played (I've watched many an LP for other games but never experienced them for myself hands on until Amnesia), so in a sense I felt like Daniel for the most part: confused on where I was, scared, and wanting to know more about 'my' past that 'I' had forgotten. At some points I did feel myself separating from the main character, mainly just to chide Daniel and basically blame him for things such as running too slow or not grabbing things that were right in his face, but on the most part I put myself in his shoes both unintentionally or forcefully so that I could try to see what it would be like to experience all these paranormal happenings that were going on in his life, thus enjoying the story even more.
Last, I'd say for the majority of the game my relationship with Daniel was good. At first I had pity for him and found him enjoyable (since it was refreshing to have a main character in a horror game that wasn't gun ho to finish his goal, but very cowardly [to an extent of course. The fact he even goes to the Inner Sanctum instead of just killing himself is pretty brave to me]). He was an enjoyable character and the fact that I loved listening to his/Richard Topping's voice added to my approval too. When the hints and flashbacks began to show the more monstrous side of him though made me like the character more in a love/hate sense. On one hand I was disappointed in him for how he let himself get to such a cruel state, while on the other hand I greedily enjoyed the turn of events since it was just wonderfully dramatic plus showed just how far humans can go in an effort to survive. Also, when we find out just why Daniel took the amnesia potion to begin wtih (wanting to start on a new leaf and what not) it pleased me to see that the man I had first liked still had some humanity left enough to try and be a better man [this also works if you go with the Agrippa ending too, at least for me].
All in all I did blame Daniel when he did horrible things, at least story wise, since this was HIS life rather than mine. I could feel how he was but I was still just a watcher of his life when it came to the plot. When it came to technical things, such as opening doors while running, climbing ladders, etc my reaction would flip flop. Sometimes I would yell at Daniel to get his act together, or apologize to him.
Wow I write too much, I am so sorry. Good luck on your newest character, guys! I'm sure you'll do great!