(10-15-2011, 09:52 AM)flamez3 Wrote: (10-15-2011, 09:46 AM)kman Wrote: (10-15-2011, 08:32 AM)zeravia Wrote: (10-15-2011, 06:42 AM)Arvuti Wrote: okay what the hell is it about making custom stories based off of lets players. It's already getting old.
it's fun and good inspiration? >_>
yes that can be true, but i feel that a lot of people are deciding that they want their favorite LPer play something they made so they make a custom story about them to guarantee that that will happen, instead of people deciding they want to make a custom story and then hoping their favorite LPer plays it. now don't get me wrong, someone could make an amazing custom story that's still about a LPer, but it's just it seems that the quality of work in general seems to go down (or at least i feel that way) when someones only reason for creating the custom story is so that a specific person plays it. but like i said, you go ahead and prove me wrong, id love to see this turn out awesome 
I made this map because i like Pewdiepie. I made it out of the things he has done over the course of his time playing amnesia. It might might not be for everyone, but that goes with all the custom stories. I enjoyed doing it, and i would hope Pewdie will enjoy it aswell. Now, can we can please get some feedback about the actual map?
okay, feedback about the map. It's bad, really bad. First of all, lighting is awful. Too bright, it is possible to make bright areas in amnesia without them looking like crap. In the first map, there are some REALLY SERIOUS texture overlapping issues, in most hallways the walls clip with each other. How can you make it look so bad ? The second map is a bit better, but there are still quite bit of clipping there, it's too empty, the lighting is bad and the textures don't match... The third map, uhh did you fuck up your light box ?
The floor is pretty much black while most of the rooms are pitch light. Not as many clipping errors, probably the best looking map in the custom story. But that's saying much.
In conclusion, I don't understand this at all. Seems like this custom story is just one big "oh my god i love you pewdiepie, please please notice me, please".
I like pewdiepie and his lets plays but seriously if he does a lets play of this custom story I will unsubscribe him.