This problem is now solved, the problem was that I didn't assign a material to the model in Blender, once this was done everything works. Thanks to Your Computer for helping me. How to assign a material can be learned from the below explanation provided by Your Computer.
Quote:* Click on materials tab in the properties panel and assign a material to the mesh.
* Click on the textures tab and assign a texture to the material.
* In the textures tab, click on the mapping category and for coordinates pick UV.
* Make sure in the UV/Image Editor panel the image is chosen as the desired UV image. The mesh should now update in the 3D View if it didn't already show the texture on the mesh.
This is how you can tell everything will work properly when exporting, that is, before the export: If the texture is shown on the mesh in the 3D View when Viewport Shading is "Textured" and if the texture is shown when rendering the image in Blender. That means everything is mapped and set up correctly. If either fails to show the texture, then you have not mapped the mesh correctly.