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My head (minor spoiler)
jo291 Offline
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RE: My head (minor spoiler)

WindexGlow Wrote:The voices in my head have migrated to my pants.
They have the voice and accent of Red.
he tells me he'll take certain parts in my pants off my body unless I do what he says.
He scares me sometimes.
If you have another suggestion that isn't on the poll, please tell me.
To all mods/admins: this isn't spam, so please don't delete it.
thats interesting i have a voice in my head that sounds like phillip from the commentary whenever i get angry at someone he says use the pick axe
wich is annoying now i seem to think dynimite is the awnser to evrything for instince my friend asks me what to get for his girlfriends birthday i say get some dynimyte then ther is a long pause now all i seem to eat is beef jerky when ever i get a letter in the mail i act really strange when ever i go to a bank i ask if i can inspect ther safty deposit boxes
06-27-2007, 03:39 AM

Messages In This Thread
My head (minor spoiler) - by WindexGlow - 06-23-2007, 07:32 AM

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