I just completed Black Plague. It was much creepier than Overture. I soon started to hate the black&white floors. The chase scenes and the scenes where you are in a room with an infected are the best parts of Black Plague imo.
I'm not sure what you mean with the body, Brute. Do you mean the guy who was sitting with his back to a wall? It was a bit scary to see him but I expected him to move or say something

The ending was awesome too. Overall I'd say that Penumbra has better puzzles and more variety than Amnesia but I still think that Amnesia is scarier. I found it harder to immerse myself in Penumbra. Somehow I just felt more connected to Daniel than to Philip. Maybe the combat system in Overture and the focus on puzzles in Black Plague prevented me from fully immersing myself. It is also possible that I got used to the horror because of Amnesia. I've never really been scared in Black Plague. There were some shock moments, sure, and I've been cursing the dogs/monsters a few times, but I was never so terrified as in Amnesia.
Still, these games are great so thanks Frictional Games (if any of you guys happen to read this) for creating these awesome games! Gonna play Requiem now and then I'll download some mods for Amnesia.