(08-20-2013, 04:13 PM)bluel0bster Wrote: The people here actually enjoy FG's games for what they are. We have a deep respect for the story, atmosphere, narrative, immersion, and overall gameplay. Nothing would ruin the immersive experience we all love by putting some sort of easter egg referencing PDP. And we don't like it at all when some high-pitched, disrespectful, tasteless wannabe uses our favorite game as an arena for his low-brow humor.
And nobody here gives a shit about how many subscribers he has. I could argue Justin Bieber is the best artist of all time by showing how many chart-topping songs he has or how much money he's made, that doesn't prove at all that there's talent or value to what he does (and in fact, there's arguably an inverse relationship between fame and quality of work).
And even if the devs did want to support this guy (which I am sure they don't), the game already has a release date, which means it's almost (if not entirely) completed. They couldn't put it an easter egg if they wanted to.
I mostly agree with you, but I'd appreciate it if in some of your phrases you don't word them as if you speak for all of us. There are some of us who are on the other side of Pewdie's mixed reception, and like his videos, like myself.