Very interesting....
I think one thing that wasn't mentioned in this post was that pre-orders "in a way" received 2 copies. We all got a direct download and a Steam key, and that isn't including the multi-platform download links from the shelf. I wouldn't be surprised if people got the game, used a steam key, then word of mouthed it to a mate.. BUT SENT THEM THE OTHER "OFFICIAL" DOWNLOAD LINK, AS IT "FELT" LIKE WE BOUGHT 2 COPIES, NOT ONE. This could also have effected world of mouth sales, witch I assume would account for a lot of sales.
Also the stuff about reviews not affecting... I find this very surprising... It might be worth looking at how the reviews were featured... places like gamespot, ign gametrailers and other big game commentary sites are so huge that, like many massive sites, only the stuff that gets a "feture" link on the homepage gets a lot of traffic from people that have never heard of it. Otherwise most people reading the reviews are people that have googled FOR the review. Maybe this could have something to do with it.
Quote:Having met and exceeded that goal already feels quite nice. Frictional Games will live to create another game!
This is what I wanted to read. I am also sure that almost everyone that is on this forum would pre-order in a nano-second for that influx of funds mid dev cycle.
<-- EDIT
Also... that stuff about re-playability.... I am not sure i agree with that for this type of game.. though in a way yes... Amnesia and other high story driven games (like say classic adventure games) have near zero reply value... BUT if teh game is good, then people will replay it ages latter. Like hardly anyone will play bioshock 1 again now, though just like adventuer games still selling on gog and steam from 20 years ago, Amnesia imo will have players still playing and buying years and years from now. While this might be 2 slow for sales for frictional to be thinking of there next tittle... I do think that they will see a continual leaking of funds for evermore.
Look at TellTale games.. you can argue even more about the lack of repaly value of sam and max... yet they are still selling those titles... thre more titels they get out the more these gradual sales add up... . . . if friction can still produce good games and ge ta decent catalogue out.. preferably with some variarty in game type.. I would like to belive that this prediction of "replayability" is a little underestimated.