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What part of Amnesia scared you the most?
JimmyEqualsMe Offline
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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

The first time I played the gam, it was the first time you encounter the Grunt. In the Archives Main Hall. It is just after you've done the puzzle with the books, and when you wander out of that room and into the Main Hall. The Grunt just walks out of the room to your right and slips out of sight. Most LPs I've seen don't even notice the Grunt, only the noise, but when I played it the first time, I almost shat myself. Honestly.

Another place where I still need to change my trousers when I'm done playing is the prison. Especially a short time after arrival when you walk up some stairs and the Grunt is right on top. Almost makes me cry thinking about it.

And the Guest Room. When the Grunt breaks in and you have to hide in a closet to survive. Just hearing his breath just outside the closet door is still giving me chills.
02-07-2013, 10:47 PM

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most? - by JimmyEqualsMe - 02-07-2013, 10:47 PM

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