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What part of Amnesia scared you the most?
311alien Offline

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most?

(10-12-2010, 06:03 PM)Kaizerwolf Wrote: Honestly, there are a lot of places that scared me. For one, it has to be the parts in the beginning. Especially the Archives, where that piano is! When I walked by it, i had no idea it was going to slam shut. All the ambient sounds of monsters and creaking in that place still scare me.

And even when I expect the piano, I still get scared.

I freaked when the piano slammed as well...even though I still expect it, it still gives me a scare. Now that I think of the archives, it was pretty scary. The wine cellar too :-)
10-12-2010, 06:52 PM

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RE: What part of Amnesia scared you the most? - by 311alien - 10-12-2010, 06:52 PM

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