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Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture
BrooksyFC Offline
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RE: Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture

I've just finished Overture over the weekend. Loved it to bits. I also played Amnesia first, but this still had a few nice elements to it like the puzzles and combat (which I used once then realized that dogs take a long time to kill haha)

I felt bad for red in the end, didn't really pay much attention to what he was saying throughout the game, but I think helped the game a lot with him talking to you. Kinda made the game a bit more interesting and kinda gave the player a time to relax and listen without worrying out monsters chasing you.

Gunna be playing Black Plague next year once I upload the rest of Overture onto my channel. Looking forward to playing it, looks a lot scarier than Overture.

Think A Little, Change A Lot
11-28-2011, 01:26 PM

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RE: Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture - by BrooksyFC - 11-28-2011, 01:26 PM

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