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Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture

Just the atmosphere in Penumbra is enough to be horror.
A game doesn't need monsters to be horror. Look at Penumbra Requiem, it is horror without enemies and weapons. There's only one corpse in the beginning.
Some people sayd it isn't horror anymore, but they said it only when they played the much more scary Black Plague before. At all Requiem is horror and more scary than any other game.
Monster clichées isn't must to have in a horror game.
Amnesia is more cruel than Penumbra because of the story and the torture chambers. But to run away from a monster as a quick-time event isn't scary at all. It is more disturbing the game in case of this "event-feeling" which is typical in games.
Environments in Penumbra are more dirty, the flickering lights and the kennel is more scary than any monster in Amnesia. So, therefore Amnesia is only a main horror game that shows dark emotions of humanity, but without having adventure elements, Penumbra wins the battle.
But everybody's opinion is different in this way...
12-14-2011, 05:05 PM

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RE: Slightly disappointed by Penumbra Overture - by Googolplex - 12-14-2011, 05:05 PM

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