Here I am telling that I'm disappointed by the fear factor in Penumbra. And immediately the game punishes me for it

. I was looking at a map of the area (on a wall), then I turned around and there was a dog who was charging me. Holy shit that was scary

. I think Penumbra has better puzzles than Amnesia and the story is pretty good. I just miss the ambient sounds from Amnesia, the tougher monsters (to evade and kill) and the hiding in dark corners/closets. Killing dogs is indeed easy so I try not to do that unless I have no choice.
I also expected a mine to be really scary but all the lights and the fact that Red is talking to you makes it a lot les scary because you know that you're not alone. You also know that you're essentially "more powerful" than the monsters (because they're so easy to evade) so the feeling I got in Amnesia (feeling underpowered) is gone.
I'm almost done with P:O and enjoyed it quite a bit, it just didn't meet my expectations. But maybe P:Black Plague will
