You are kidding me! I mean the body in the kennel: The kennel with the dog houses. The body falls from the ceiling, when you want in the creepy dark corridor??? Have you miss this?
Well than my dear student. I would say you have done a good job, and you are now ready to play Requiem! Good Luck!
I also found that both games had their shock moments, so Penumbra is scary because of it's claustrophobic atmosphere and good storyline, and Amnesia due to it's Sanity System and the fear for the darkness and the enemies, while you walking in a scary castle, where in every corner could been your worst nightmare!
Dude I had more physic bugs in Penumbra. That's starts with flying boxes, strange acting doors, strange acting enemies...
Well and I think that the physics feels "rustier" than in Amnesia. Object rotation and moving was really slow and strange. It is way better in Amnesia. No wonder. Frictional Games had upgrade the engine.
And the fight system:
It was an atmosphere killer, because the enemies were ridiculous easy to kill. I always had killed the enemies before exploring. In Amnesia, I was sitting in a closed. What could been more creepier... hmm....
But it is ok. That's only my opinion!